Sunday, 8 July 2012

Sweet starfish

  • 250 g Frana 
  • 75 g butter 
  • Pinch salt 
  • Teaspoon of vanilla 
  • Teaspoon white colored 
  • Teaspoon another color depending on the recipe used in the selection color purple 
  • Orange flower water + water 
  • Amounts of fillers 
  • 250 g ground almonds 
  • 125 g sugar 
  • Teaspoon Fannie 
  • Grain of eggs 
  • Honey
Preparation the dough
Alfrena mix, butter, vanilla and salt fingers fingertips into the dough well sections Ksmyin first section of the color white and the second the purples and the let collection of water every one to cast Tthsali the dough covered with a rather soft dough and Tercaha rest for 15 minutes
Preparation stuffing
Mix ingredients and combine in egg and pan-size pellets formed by 25 g
Passing Ajeentin white and violet in the machine for Bajeen in No. 2 then 4 then 7 cut white circles diameter 9 cm in diameter and purple circles 8 cm
Put all the purple circle on a white circle
Take a ball of geese and give her a star-shaped
Put a star on each circle of dough
Footnotes to lift the dough with light pressure on the padding without completely covered decorat flowers
Alareic cook for 10 minutes in the oven under 170 ° C degree
Alareic Go out of the oven and leave to cool and then Aslleha Put each flower on a small shiny candy

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